
Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

As a former New Yorker, its difficult for me to not remember 9/11. While I was fortunate not to lose any family or friends in the incident, many friends did lose loved ones and friends. My cousin, a teacher, watched in horror with his High School class across the river.

I was preparing to leave for the office when family called to tell me to "turn on the TV" because there was a "horrific accident in NYC". By the time I turned it on, the second plane was just flying into the towers. At that moment, it became apparent that there was more to this than just a coincidental accident. The third crash at the Pentagon confirmed it. I didn't have any pressing appointments, so stayed home for another half hour or so to follow the initial coverage.

There are some projects underway and today I happened upon a 9/11 Memorial "preview" site. This is actually a physical exhibit, but you can see some photos on the web. You might want to also visit the National Memorial web site where you can read about three projects: the museum and memorial, the transit center, and the new skyscrapers. I read recently that it may take decades for the replacement buildings to take shape, in part due to the economy and less demand for office space in the city.

In the years since 2001, the financial toll on travel and travellers has been difficult. Its hard to remember the days when it was easy to get through an airport. Now corporations and government agencies such as CLEAR, TSA, and HomeLand Security profit from the climate of distrust. I find it difficult to pay for a CLEAR card -- why would I pay for the privilege of going through an airport where I used to walk freely and it was built with my Federal tax dollars?

Project Management has had unexpected promotion in many ways too, though I'm not sure I would be up to managing these projects. I'll let you judge for yourself; visit the Chapter 6: Project Management of the President's DNA Initiative, another post-9/11 web site to read further.

And now, I'd like to close off this article with a quote:

“Today, we gather to be reassured that God hears the lamenting and bitter weeping of Mother America because so many of her children are no more. Let us now seek that assurance in prayer for the healing of our grief stricken hearts, for the souls and sacred memory of those who have been lost. Let us also pray for divine wisdom as our leaders consider the necessary actions for national security, wisdom of the grace of God that as we act, we not become the evil we deplore.”
- Rev. Nathan Baxter, Dean of Washington National Cathedral from

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