
Friday, January 18, 2008

We Don't Have Time and We Have an Unfinished Agenda

Greetings from Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. I'm here for my third annual volunteer orientation for the PMI Global Operations Center. Every year, these meetings get bigger and better. 2007 was a milestone year for PMI as we reached more than 253,000 members. But yesterday morning during his kickoff, CEO Greg Balestrero instilled a new sense of urgency -- we don't have time and we have an unfinished agenda.

Greg's brief "pep talk" was very quotable, and I'd like to share a few of the other high points:

- "Stop thinking about gates and start thinking about portals." To fulfill the vision of pre-eminence, PMI needs to find new ways to share knowledge in growth markets like India and China.

- "How do we hold components accountable for member satisfaction?" Our communities can grow and thrive if there are satisfied customers. People are important to our association.

- "Its about people and trust." When you are working with great people and they trust each other, its been shown you can reduce the cost of doing business.

- A PMI promise: "a university without walls for leaders for free." The Leadership Institute Masters Class and Leadership Institute Meetings are supplemented by PMI Learn, a distance learning platform which features online classes and material from Harvard Business School.

2008 will be a key year for another reason: the three year study on the value of project management is being released at the 2008 Project Management Research Conference in Warsaw Poland. PMI invested in this study conducted by the University of Athabasca in Canada.

Its truly a privilege and an honor to be here to be able to better serve the PMI community.

[Note: my friend Fadi El-Eter at PM Hut has a new area where PM trainers can post their information and prospective clients can find them with a geo-locator. I've put a link to the right or you can visit directly at:]

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